TMCC Board Election Results
TMCC members in attendance at the General Meeting held on November 12, 2019, voted on and passed the proposed slate of nominees for the 2020 TMCC Board.
Each newly elected member has proven a desire to improve the neighborhood, from neighborhood activities, representation within local government, and broader awareness of and contribution to the Timbergrove Manor Civic Club.
What Does the Civic Club Do?
Timbergrove Manor Civic Club is led by an Executive Board of Officers and Directors who are an elected body of volunteer residents.
By supporting theTMCC — $30 per voting person per calendar year, or $60 for two voting members per household — you help make many things possible:
Neighborhood Security — a dedicated committee charged with employing and reviewing necessary tactics to promote safety
Community Events — three primary events for neighbors throughout the year, as well as many other member socials.
Environmental Affairs & Civic Engagement — collaboration with the City and County to maintain our neighborhood and parks
Deed Restrictions & Design Review — guides residents through remodeling or building new homes in compliance with our deed restrictions