Security Update: 2019 in Review
Submitted by TMCC Security Committee
In recent versions of The Timbergram we erroneously reported higher incident rates from January through June due to incorrect filtering on crime data. The data has been corrected (slight reductions for January through June) and are reflected on the charts within this edition.
Recent Crimes Reported
As of mid-December the reported crimes for October, November and December were relatively lower in comparison to previous months in 2019. The number of total reported crimes from January-December 8th was 62 which is higher than the annual average of 53 per year from 2013 to 2018. However, please recall that HPD switched to a new crime reporting system (NIBRS) in mid 2018 and this system not only counts more incidents, it also counts more incident types which were previously not included. Therefore, comparing to 2019 to previous years is not a good like-for-like comparison.
It’s unlikely that theft from vehicles and theft of vehicle parts will be surpassed by other crimes by the end of December. Remember to avoid leaving valuables in your vehicle and especially avoid leaving any items in view. Often times thieves are looking for a quick and easy job and find those where doors are left unlocked. Lock your car doors and activate vehicle protection systems if you have them. Anti-tilt systems are especially helpful in mitigating wheel thefts as are locking lugs with outer sheaths such as the 61631 Acorn Gorilla Guard Locks. While none of these steps guarantee theft prevention, these steps make you a less likely target for thieves.
You may have heard that we are taking a fresh new look at security within TMCC (sections 5 through 14). The TMCC Security Committee, along with some amazing neighbors, recently completed a brainstorming session for potential security solutions as part of our Rethink Security campaign. Those concepts have now been through a preliminary ranking process based on anticipated effectiveness, cost and other criteria and will go back in front of neighbors for discussion on Thursday January 16. Based on that next meeting we will be selecting a handful of solutions to move forward on to improve security within TMCC.
If you would like to be part of that vetting discussion please email us and we will add you to the Rethink Security communications distribution. Stay tuned in to The Timbergram for more on how we will be improving security within TMCC.
Crime Statistics
TMCC 2019 Incidents Per Month
TMCC 2019 Incidents by Type
The TMCC security committee works diligently to include relevant, reported crime data that occurs within the boundaries of Timbergrove Manor sections 5-14. If you are aware of reported crime that we may have overlooked please email us.