Cheers to Our Volunteers!
On Sunday, September 29, TMCC volunteers gathered at The Spaghetti Western on N. Shepherd Drive for the annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner! From Board members to Timbergram deliverers, committee chairs to Citizens Patrol, nearly 50 neighbors turned out to be honored at the event. Heights Mobil made much of the evening possible, with additional support and door prizes coming from local businesses such as Lucy's Boutique and Buchanan's Native Plants. The “Volunteer of the Year” award went to two dedicated individuals, Darlene Wayt and Dana Whitney. Thank you to our many volunteers who make Timbergrove the wonderful neighborhood we love so much!
Volunteer of the Year Darlene Wayt is presented an award by event organizer Cynthia Schwendeman. Photo credit: Jeff Wayt
Photo credit: Jeff Wayt