July 4th
 Ice Cream Social


Each year, Timbergrove Manor puts on three family friendly activities – Snow Fest, the Easter Egg Hunt and a July 4th Ice Cream Social – as well as a variety of other events to foster community among our residents.These events would not be possible without the help of many volunteers, including those that spearhead the planning and execution.

In 2018, our TMCC Activities Chair retired from the role. Our 2019 activities thus far have been organized ad hoc by individuals or small groups. We do not have an organizer for the July 4th Ice Cream Social, and therefore the event is “TBD” until one is found.

If you would like to ensure that the July 4th event takes place, please raise your hand! We hope this fun, patriotic, summertime tradition will continue, but we need your help. A committee of organizers, in lieu of a chair, is also welcome.

Email activities@timbergrove.org for more information.
