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Announcing Our Membership Contest!

Submitted by Laura Bradham, Membership Chair

This year, we are having a contest among the blocks of Timbergrove to see which blocks have the most Membership participation! Right now, the glass with this article shows the overall neighborhood Membership participation percentage for this year... so far. In the July and September Timbergrams, the participation percentage will be broken down into the top blocks that might win the contest. If your block has the most participation by the end of September, your National Night Out Party in October will be hosted by the Membership Committee! If more than one block ties for the top spot, we will host more than one party. The Membership Committee might have to split up to visit several blocks! And, believe me, we are ready to party! The Block Captains learned about the contest at our Block Captain Thank You Brunch, and they are already asking for their percentages. They are also ready to party, AND have their parties hosted! If you haven't paid your dues for this year, it's not too late!

Notes From Your Membership Chair

I wanted to send out a reminder to all of you, my neighbors, to let you know that Membership is renewed yearly, and runs from January through December each year. So, if you joined last summer, for instance, and haven't joined again since January, you are not currently considered an active member of the Timbergrove Manor Civic Club. The good news is: You can join anytime of the year and have all of the benefits of membership! If you haven't submitted your dues for this year, consider doing so today.

I love the convenience of paying membership dues online! It's so easy! However, the only place to add your physical address is in the “Buyer Note” box. Please help out your Membership Chair and add your physical address in that box! I'm new and still learning.

Finally, if you renewed your Membership between January 1 and March 15, you should have received a mailing recently. The mailing included a Thank You Letter, the name of your Block Captain, and car decals. If you submitted your dues during that time frame, and did not receive a mailing, please email me. If you received a mailing and any one of those three items was left out by accident, please email me. I'm so enjoying getting emails and getting to know my neighbors, so keep them coming! If you renewed your membership after March 15, please give me some time to receive your information through the proper channels, and you will be getting the same mailing soon.

Thank you to everyone for your patience as I'm transitioning into my new role. If you want to be on the Membership Committee, there is room for you!