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Questions for Harvin Moore, TMCC May 12 Guest Speaker

Harvin Moore, HISD Board of Education District VII trustee, will be the TMCC's guest speaker for the May 12 general meeting.   He will give an overview of the school district's initiatives that affect the surrounding area and then will focus on Sinclair Elementary, the school's current and future funding, and the possible impact on Sinclair of the proposed HISD boundary changes. Mr. Moore will answer pre-submitted questions and, if time, impromptu questions from attendees.

Feel free to circulate this email to interested parties in your communities and then email questions for him to Darlene Wayt at Because of promised lead time to Mr. Moore to research and prepare answers, please submit your questions to no later than April 26.

Thank you, Darlene Wayt TMCC SN 14